MSN Headline: Anger as schoolgirls forced to line up as male teacher inspects and measures their skirts (msn.com)
EXPRESS.co.uk Anger as schoolgirls forced to line up as male teacher inspects and measures their skirts | UK | News | Express.co.uk
Citation: Schoolgirls were left in tears after a male teacher inspected their skirts, according to reports. Rainford High School in St Helens has come under fire for enforcing its uniform policy which requires girls to wear knee-length skirts, with many parents and pupils claiming male teachers were involved in the inspection of the skirt length.
My Views: I did not bother making a comment on MSN as they censor what you write and this is what I think about the above article and the personal experience I have had as a schoolgirl and then on as a mother.
The teacher at the school provided he was not taking any photos and had the right to check the length of the skirts as long as he did not take a tape measure out and was physical. If it is the school’s policy that the girl’s uniform should have a knee-length skirt then it should be abided by. Parents are helpless if the skirt leaves home as per the letter but gets rolled up to be on par with fashion. I remember buying my daughter black shoes which had a gold trim and were told to get a new pair. The school refunded me because I could not see it in their terms and conditions.
If parents and school kids are outraged at today’s article on MSN then the next bit will shock readers more.
My own interactions with teachers
When I was in school some 45 years ago there was a PE teacher that would watch the girls have a shower and then would line up the girls against a wall in their towels to inspect their posture as she claimed. For the girls that did not wrap themselves up properly, they would end up going commando. It haunts me to this day and who was I going to complain to at the time? I could not tell my parents as it was embarrassing. I could not tell another teacher as I would be accused of being a snitch. The headteacher was no better as he was arrested for pedophilia according to some sources although researching online I have found one headteacher from that school is not the same one that was head at the time me being there. I can not get a reliable reference to what I have heard so, unfortunately for now it is simply hearsay until I find a source.
Punishment with a cane
Furthermore, I even had punishment by a cane for pulling a prank when I was about 14. I am not saying I was not to blame as the bullies in my class made me put the blotted paper soaked with quill ink on the end of my ruler and flick it which landed on a schoolboy’s arm. I ended up having three whips to my left hand as my right hand was spared for writing. Quill ink is permanent so his school shirt was ruined, no wonder his mother did not like me when I later started dating his brother some four years later.
PE Teacher
The teacher would have retired by now so all I can do is put it in the past, but still, articles such as the one today do bring back uncomfortable memories: Anger as schoolgirls forced to line up as male teacher inspects and measures their skirts | UK | News | Express.co.uk
#paedophilia #abouse #pupilabuse #teacherabuse #intrusivethoughts #negativethoughts #memories #badmemories #depression
About the author
iRenata -Renata Entrepreneur is a personal brand of Renata M Barnes. Renata has been in business since 1993. Renata is a businesswoman and published author. She primarily focuses on Digital Marketing, Website Creation, SEO, and Domain Brokering.
Renata is a disabled entrepreneur that suffers from OCD and Cerebellar Atrophy. She is an Editor of Disabilityuk.co.uk & CMJUK.com Business journal. She is an advocate for mental health, disability discrimination and human rights.
Renata has a large network of over 12K connections on LinkedIn, https://www.linkedin.com/in/renata-b-48025811/
Renata offers several services for startups and SME’s. Her service includes Website Design & Development, SEO, Marketing, Advertising, Content Writing, and Graphic Design.
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