“Rampaging energy profiteering”.
I cannot believe what I am reading “Centrica ‘has been coining it in from our massive energy bills’ and has seen their profits soar to more than £3 billion”. Centrica ‘has been coining it in from our massive energy bills’ and has seen their profits soar to more than £3 billion – London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
The article continues with the quote: “Rishi Sunak should get a grip – pull the plug on rampaging energy profiteering, impose a meaningful, tough windfall tax, and give the NHS a pay rise with the proceeds.” Earlier this month Ofgem launched an investigation into British Gas following “extremely serious allegations” of debt collectors breaking into people’s homes to install prepay meters.
However, those that read this may not realize these companies work hand in hand with the government. They are shareholders in the federal bank and they get an annual dividend.
This boils down to one thing the greedy 1% do not care about humanity because if they did they would not start wars. This is just a big game of money and power.
I am angered that at the expense of the people, governments are making all this money but the big question is if we came to this world with nothing and we leave with nothing, why make so much money that you cannot take with you?
I think this article is better suited for people that may not necessarily be in business but ordinary folk like you and me. I find it totally disgusting that profiteering is going on whilst the rest of us have to suffer. There is a domino effect and consequences for our actions. If the cost of living and inflation has caused people to have mental health issues it puts more pressure on our NHS.
The 1% of this world should be less greedy and should help humanity not hinder it.
Imagine if we could activate kinetic energy as Nikola Tesla has led us to believe, imagine how we can finally start to get control of our lives.
These two videos are highly recommended to watch:
#costofliving #energyrprices #windfalltax #inflation #pricerises #centrica #britishgas