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Category: LOW INCOME

iRenata Says People Are Struggling With Rising Heating Costs


In the UK low-income families, vulnerable individuals, and pensioners find themselves caught in a chilling dilemma as the fear of soaring heating bills forces them to make difficult choices. The harsh reality is that many are living in constant anxiety and fear, choosing between staying warm and facing the financial repercussions of heating their homes.

The Costly Conundrum:

As winter has set in, the cost of heating becomes a significant burden for those already grappling with tight budgets. Rising energy prices, coupled with the economic challenges brought about by various factors, have led to a stark increase in the number of households opting to keep their heating off to avoid hefty bills.

For low-income families, pensioners, and vulnerable individuals, this decision is not merely a matter of comfort but a pressing financial concern. With limited resources, the fear of choosing between necessities like food, rent, and heating has become a harsh reality for many.

Repercussions of Living in the Cold:

The consequences of not turning the heating on extend beyond the immediate discomfort of cold homes. Prolonged exposure to low temperatures has severe implications for health and well-being. Cold indoor environments are associated with an increased risk of respiratory illnesses, cardiovascular problems, and exacerbation of existing health conditions.

Pensioners, who often face additional health challenges due to age, are particularly susceptible to the adverse effects of cold living conditions. The decision to cut back on heating can result in a higher incidence of illnesses, leading to increased healthcare costs and additional strain on the already overstretched National Health Service (NHS).

The Mental Health Toll:

Beyond the physical ramifications, the mental health toll of living in fear of high heating costs is substantial. Constant worry about utility bills and the inability to maintain a comfortable living environment contribute to heightened stress and anxiety levels among vulnerable populations.

Social isolation often accompanies the reluctance to turn on the heating, as individuals may avoid inviting friends or family to cold homes. This sense of isolation can lead to loneliness and exacerbate existing mental health issues, creating a cycle of vulnerability that is difficult to break.

Government Initiatives and Solutions:

Recognizing the severity of the issue, the UK government has implemented various schemes aimed at alleviating the burden on vulnerable populations during the winter months. These include winter fuel payments for pensioners, cold weather payments, and grants for energy efficiency improvements.

However, advocates argue that more needs to be done to address the root causes of rising energy prices (turn to the bible) and to ensure that vulnerable populations have access to adequate support. Investing in energy-efficient housing solutions, promoting renewable energy sources, and revisiting social welfare policies are among the suggested long-term measures to tackle the issue.

As we delve into the chilling reality faced by vulnerable populations in the UK, it’s essential to highlight the specific challenges that individuals with autoimmune disorders confront during the winter months. For those grappling with conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, or multiple sclerosis, exposure to cold temperatures can exacerbate symptoms and potentially trigger relapses.

The impact of cold environments on autoimmune disorders is well-documented, as the body’s immune response tends to be more pronounced in colder conditions. Lack of proper heating not only contributes to physical discomfort but can also lead to increased pain, stiffness, and inflammation for those with autoimmune conditions. Thus, the decision to forgo heating due to financial constraints becomes a precarious balancing act between physical well-being and economic survival.

As we consider the broader societal implications of soaring heating costs, the question of responsibility looms large. While individuals and families are forced to make difficult choices to cope with escalating living expenses, attention must also be directed toward systemic issues contributing to these challenges. Policymakers, energy providers, and the broader society must engage in collaborative efforts to address the root causes of rising living costs, ensuring that vulnerable populations, including those with autoimmune disorders, are not unduly burdened.

It is imperative to advocate for comprehensive policies that not only provide immediate relief but also foster sustainable solutions to mitigate the impact of high energy prices on the most vulnerable. By holding both governmental and private entities accountable, we can work towards creating a more inclusive and compassionate society that prioritizes the health and well-being of all its citizens, regardless of their economic circumstances.

The question of whether the government should compensate individuals for emotional distress and physical illnesses stemming from the financial strain of heating price rises is a complex and ethical consideration. While governments must acknowledge the real and tangible impact of economic hardships on citizens’ well-being, establishing a direct link between heating costs and individual health conditions can be challenging. Advocates argue that compensation could serve as a safety net for those facing health challenges exacerbated by the inability to afford proper heating. However, a compassionate approach that includes targeted financial assistance, healthcare provisions, and support programs for vulnerable populations could go a long way in alleviating the burden. Striking a balance between personal responsibility and societal care is essential in fostering a system that values the health of its citizens while addressing the broader economic challenges at play.

The chilling dilemma faced by low-income families, vulnerable individuals, and pensioners in the UK is a stark reminder of the pressing need for comprehensive solutions to address the intersection of energy costs, health, and well-being. As winter continues to cast its icy grip, it is crucial for society to collectively work towards creating an environment where no one has to choose between staying warm and financial stability.

The Bible

Fallen Angel
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If you find yourself pondering the question of who truly runs the world, a glance into the pages of the Bible may offer insights into the complexities that underlie global dynamics. The narrative of wealth distribution and poverty has deep historical roots, often intertwined with socio-economic structures. Examining the disparities that persist today, it becomes apparent that while many grapple with the harsh realities of poverty, policymakers and the privileged 1% seem insulated from its immediate effects. This prompts contemplation on the intricate connections between power, privilege, and societal structures that perpetuate such disparities. Understanding these dynamics can spark critical conversations about the need for equitable policies and collective efforts to address the root causes of global inequalities. For all the entities that work for the fallen angel, I will pray for you all, and should anything untoward happen the question that has to be asked is: “Was it God that punished you, or was it a coincidence, and was your fault”?

  • Luke 6.37 “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.
  • Acts 2.38 Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
  • Romans 12:14  We should bless those who persecute us bless and not curse them. We are to pray for them and ask God to bless them because they need his mercy just as much as we do.
  • When you pray for those who hurt you or mistreat you, God will give you the grace to forgive them, and in so doing, you will heap burning coals of fire upon their heads (Proverbs 25:22).
  • Romans 12:19  Says that revenge belongs to God and he will repay those who hurt us when the time is right and it’s not for us to seek revenge on people who have hurt us in one way or the other.

How God Will Repay Those Who Hurt You? [+ Examples] – SaintlyLiving

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#costofliving #heating #centralheating #pricerises #autoimmumedisorders #vulnerable #pensioners # feelingcold #freezing #gasprices #stakeholders #filtyrich #policymakers #mps #universalcredit #lowincome #financialdifficulty

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Rampaging energy profiteering.

“Rampaging energy profiteering”.

I cannot believe what I am reading “Centrica ‘has been coining it in from our massive energy bills’ and has seen their profits soar to more than £3 billion”. Centrica ‘has been coining it in from our massive energy bills’ and has seen their profits soar to more than £3 billion – London Business News |

The article continues with the quote: “Rishi Sunak should get a grip – pull the plug on rampaging energy profiteering, impose a meaningful, tough windfall tax, and give the NHS a pay rise with the proceeds.” Earlier this month Ofgem launched an investigation into British Gas following “extremely serious allegations” of debt collectors breaking into people’s homes to install prepay meters.

However, those that read this may not realize these companies work hand in hand with the government. They are shareholders in the federal bank and they get an annual dividend.

This boils down to one thing the greedy 1% do not care about humanity because if they did they would not start wars. This is just a big game of money and power.

I am angered that at the expense of the people, governments are making all this money but the big question is if we came to this world with nothing and we leave with nothing, why make so much money that you cannot take with you?

I think this article is better suited for people that may not necessarily be in business but ordinary folk like you and me. I find it totally disgusting that profiteering is going on whilst the rest of us have to suffer. There is a domino effect and consequences for our actions. If the cost of living and inflation has caused people to have mental health issues it puts more pressure on our NHS.

The 1% of this world should be less greedy and should help humanity not hinder it.

Imagine if we could activate kinetic energy as Nikola Tesla has led us to believe, imagine how we can finally start to get control of our lives.

These two videos are highly recommended to watch:

#costofliving #energyrprices #windfalltax #inflation #pricerises #centrica #britishgas

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Wage Cap For Millionaires, Campaign To Help The Poor.



Wage Cap For Millionaires, Campaign To Help The Poor.


  • Poverty & Mental Health
  • Wage Cap
  • Greed
  • Neuroplasticity
  • Mind, Body & Soul
  • Privileged People
  • Final Thoughts

Poverty & Mental Health

The reason why people suffer from mental health issues, such as depression and suicide is due to society and the greed of the wealthy. Poverty is associated with volatile income and expenditures. The resulting worries and uncertainty can worsen mental health.

I blame certain entities and society for my mental health and depression in that I am an advocate on which is an online journal for people with mental health disabilities.

They should help out the people on low incomes and not roll around in so much wealth whilst the rest of society suffers.

I agree that there are people on this planet that are simply lazy, yet want to have money fall into their laps for free, so these people should be forced to learn a skill and not just be forced into jobs until they are fully trained. Any able-bodied person can learn something and put their skills to good use and if they cannot find work they should be forced to start a business. They should be able to learn, teach and empower.

However, the rest of the population that is capable should not have to suffer at the expense of the wealthy.

What makes some people think they are better than others? According to egocentrism, individuals will overestimate themselves in relation to their self-worth because they believe that they have an advantage that others do not have, as individuals considering their own performance and another’s performance will consider their performance to be better, even when they are in fact equal.

Granted there are many skilled and talented people in this world but they should not earn so much that causes the rest of the world to suffer.

Wage Cap

As I write this article I read that politicians in the UK have just had a pay rise. MP’s pay has increased the salary of the UK’s elected representatives by £2,200 according to the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (Ipsa) said basic pay would rise from £81,932 to £84,144

This means the rise in fuel prices helps to pay their wages. Some politicians are simply pencil pushers stuck in an office all day and may have a modest following of people. I have a larger following of people than some politicians I know, so what makes them any better than me? Given the opportunity, I could do their job and possibly do it better than them, yet I am not on their salaries or even close, and I as well as the rest of the population have to suffer.

What about footballers and their weekly salaries for simply kicking a ball around on a pitch: So you are telling me a footballer is more talented than a heart or brain surgeon who is paid nowhere near the salaries they are reported to earn. There is something seriously wrong with society.

There should be a maximum allowable income wage cap for millionaires and billionaires which would help pay off the national debt. It would need to be enacted coupled with an emergency deficit repayment fund. The cap could be set at 5 million per year, and allow a certain percentage of profits to help large and small businesses run. A person or business netted above the 5 million and profits could be funneled directly toward the deficit. Doing this for anywhere from 10-15 years before retiring would pay off our national debt and prevent the necessity of austerity measures.

“It makes me so mad that people have so much wealth, whilst others struggle to survive”.


Some people like the Oligarchs of this world who have accumulated wealth from atrocities such as corruption, w#r, etc are allowed to walk on God’s earth? These people that continue to bleed people dry, need to be brought to justice and need to pay back every penny that they stole.

My question is what are the governments doing with all the frozen money and assets?

I have my own theory but I guess we will never know. One would think that the confiscated money would go to reducing the national debt, however, no one is talking about it, which is really strange and which basically shows who controls the media.

The people that make a difference in this world, all should be wage capped.

  • The A-List Actors
  • The A-List Singers
  • The A-List Celebrities (Chefs, Influencers, Fashion Designers)
  • The A-List Sportsman (Footballers)
  • The A-List Writers (Authors)
  • The CEOs of Corporations (Board of Directors)
  • The Politicians
  • The World Leaders
  • The Bankers

No one should be so high and mighty to not have a wage cap, regardless of one’s status. If I was so wealthy I would live modestly and not flaunt my pink Rolls Royces or my wealth, I would help the rest of the world and make it known that I was helping. I would not be a snob.

Corporate greed is when a corporation puts profit above the well-being of any individual who works for it. The corporation also doesn’t take any social responsibility for its actions. There are so many ways ordinary and successful businesses and corporations out there seemingly suck the life out of people.

Privileged People.

We have a minimum wage (which is absolutely necessary) because if we didn’t the rich would take advantage and become even richer, hence there are rules and laws to prevent slave labor and to pay the bare minimum. However, the minimum living wage needs to be re-evaluated and the rich or people in power need to live on the minimum wage for at least six to twelve months to see if they can survive before preaching to the rest of us.

If this privileged MP Kit Malthouse is b#tching about how hard done by he is going to be, why does he not trade places with someone living in a council house for a year, living on a minimum wage, or worse still tax credits of £99.23 a week?

If someone cannot manage to live on a salary of £115,000 then there is something seriously wrong that they are not managing their finances properly and this deems the question of why not reduce overheads. If someone with a salary of £115K cannot manage, then how can someone with a salary of perhaps £18K live?


A Tory minister (Kit Malthouse) on a £115,000 salary complained the cost-of-living crisis is hitting him “very significantly”.

Speaking in front of a burning fireplace in his home, the father-of-three told LBC Radio: “As you know, I’ve got children. They need to be fed and that cost is rising.

My fuel prices are rising quite significantly, and I have to say that in my constituency I’m on oil central heating still, sadly.” He added: “We are feeling it very significantly.”

Oh diddums!

OMG – Cry Me A River – What about the people on low incomes, how are they supposed to survive? What about the people who are self-employed that live off tax credits of £99.23 per week how are they supposed to live?

These people in power are unreal and need reality checks.

I am so sick and tired of hearing about people that have more money than sense.

The more people write about how the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer maybe it will eventually hit home, although I am not holding my breath. It is disgusting to read that people are so full of themselves and feel they are superior to the rest of us and that they can milk the rest of us dry.

All I have is a voice and a platform to write on and it will not stop me from campaigning to help the poor or the people with depression and mental health issues.

Even after my websites are gone I will leave a legacy behind and write it in my books. My words will linger forever.

Final Thoughts!

The reason why the world is the way it is is that the wealthy and elite have teamed up together from the government AND the private sector, to run up the national debt. It should be the rich and well-connected who pay back the debt that THEY incurred and not the poor that have to suffer not only poverty but ill health.

My question is the earth does not belong to any one particular person it is a place where we all have to live, so why is it that people think they can dictate, demand, and command when the earth does not belong to anyone? We should all live in harmony with one another and help one another not steal from each other. Elon Musk is building a colony on Mars so does that mean Mars belongs to Elon Musk? If people can make claims to the land, water, oil, and gas, then what is next, will there be a claim to the oxygen we breathe or the energy from the Sun, essentially putting a price on warm sunny days?

This is affecting people’s mental health and causing emotional distress. How many people will die from poverty, suicide, and w#r because of the elitists? They pretend to care but all they care about is themselves.

“I Blame The Greedy Elite For Trying To Destroy Everyone Else Who Is Trying To Simply Survive On This God Foresaken Crazy Planet, Full of Greedy People”.

I was going to put a paywall on this article similar to what a lot of online newspapers are doing as I would love to campaign and speak on behalf of people on low incomes, but cannot afford to do it alone on my own income as the majority of us are all in the same boat and we are all here to survive. I do have an advantage though I have a platform to put my point across and a large network of connections on LinkedIn connected to some very affluential people so my voice will be heard. I just need some support to be able to campaign further. If you can spare £3.00 this will go towards advertising and marketing costs. My next topic of discussion will be “How To Become A Billionaire”.

I will put the link below:



#nationaldebt #wagecap #poverty #debtceiling # lowincome #pricerises #mpwageincrease #therich #thepoor #mentalhealth #depression #suicide

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