Deliveroo over 3-hour wait time.
Today I placed an order with Deliveroo. I am a good customer of theirs and have given them quite a lot f business over the years in which they have somewhat performed fairly other than the one time when a delivery driver I was tracking was in the same spot for over an hour and when my food arrived it was stone cold but other than that I have not had any complaints until today.
The performance today was totally unacceptable and in a total of placing two orders, I was waiting over3 hours for my delivery.
I started to write this in anticipation of my second order not arriving. I placed the second order to claim my credit of £15 and placed my order again as I was starving, hungry. The agent said he would add £15 to my account and I would have to wait for 3-5days to get my refund in my bank account of my first order or to phone my bank to expedite it which no 1) it’s a Sunday and no banks are open and no 2) banks do not expedite refunds only the retailer can. People obviously think I was born yesterday. My first order came to £24 so I would have to find another tenner to place the same order again but thankfully the first payment never went through.
Upon my investigation with Trustpilot whilst I was waiting for my first order to arrive which was eventually canceled by customer service, I was surprised I was not the only one dissatisfied with the service in fact an astonishing 83% of customers left one-star rating to which I said they would have 84% by the time I am finished with them.
Deliveroo Reviews | Read Customer Service Reviews of www.deliveroo.co.uk (trustpilot.com)
I spoke with 4 agents and watched 6 riders arrive and leave, even at one point it turned into a map and then disappeared.
So after phoning Morrisons they said it was nothing to do with them. I then asked if they had packed the order and they told me they were unable to say, suggesting I phone Deliveroo. I argued about how would Deliveroo know if my order was packed or not. I am sure they read off scripts because the person I spoke to said he could not help me.
Deliveroo could not tell me if the order was ready at the supermarket either or if it had been taken by another rider and not delivered.
What rattled me was the last call I made whereby Deliveroo told me to contact Morrisons and you can imagine my answer when they charge the customer a service fee. What I actually said was, “is that not your job considering I am paying a service fee”.
Begrudgingly I placed the second order again and whereas in the first order I had no missing items or substitutions the second order I was waiting on had one missing item.
I think when I speak to customer service agents and tell them what I am capable of they do not take me seriously and have to decide where to post and which site suits my review best. When I say I can generate more business for a company in the same light I can also take it away.
No one should have to wait over 3 hours for a delivery because the first order was placed 11.0 7 hrs today and the second 13.40 hrs with an estimated delivery time 14.25 hrs arriving at 15.00 hrs.
I do not know what is going on with this company and I have wasted half a day messing around.
I am not impressed and will be looking to take my business elsewhere or give them a run for their money and build a reliable delivery service, website, and app, which I can do may I add, although I would support any developer if they wanted to take me up on the idea. www.ukwebsitedesigners.co.uk Ironically they have sent me a customer satisfaction survey to fill in. I am so tempted to give them my review.
This should have never happened because a “happy customer will tell their friends and family whilst an unhappy customer will tell the world“.
I love a challenge!

The second order did arrive which I am thankful for but it took over 3 hours in total. I asked why are customers having to pay a service fee when Deliveroo is charging the restaurants and the supermarkets? The explanation I had was that the service fee is so that it gives the customer a better choice and experience. I am sorry if you charge your clients, you should not also charge their clients.
In my eyes, they are burning the candle at both ends, should the CEO of Deliveroo get to see this I will just leave a link to my LinkedIn account linkedin.com/in/renata-b-48025811/ where I have over 11K connections even directors order takeout and you never know a developer may also have an idea to start a delivery service. I think there should be an on-demand delivery service, delivering anything within an hour for all retail outlets, who is with me on this?
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