I normally post reviews on my marketing website but this is personal.
Yesterday I had an Eastern European Amazon Driver stick his two fingers up at me and refused to give me my parcel (Krupnik).
I was expecting two parcels yesterday and had a notification from Amazon that my one parcel failed to deliver. I looked out of my window and noticed the driver outside so I ran downstairs and waved him down. I asked could he please give me the parcel and in his very broken English he refused, said no, waved his hand up in the air and what looked like him sticking his two fingers up at me and drove off. His hand was up and his two fingers were separated in a V shape.
I then tried to phone Amazon customer service and both times I got cut off, I then used their quicker option via the text link, that’s a joke, I ended up with a robot. I then proceeded to phone again (the third time) and managed to get through and the person I spoke to said she would escalate it with the delivery manager who phoned me and said both deliveries would arrive by 10 pm yesterday.
So, 10 pm came and went and nothing so I phoned back again and was told it is still out for delivery even though the cut-off period for deliveries is 10 pm. I stated I was not going to wait all night long, so the customer service said it would be re-arranged for today (24/12/21).
I then went to sleep and this morning noticed an email to say the one parcel had been delivered to a resident on (23/12/21) at 23.28 hours. Seeing as I was asleep and my neighbors are on holiday is must have been delivered to the Ghost of Christmastide.
With now a total disdain towards Amazon at this point, I phoned back again today (24/12/21), the first time I could hardly hear anything as the connection was so bad and the phone got cut off, the second time I rang every other word the person said “please hold” proceeding to connect me to music about four times and eventually I got so sick and tired of him messing around and I ended the call. On (the third attempt), I spoke to someone and he was really understanding, he said if the parcel was not delivered today he would re-arrange delivery for tomorrow (25/12/21) and gave me credit of £5.00 for my trouble.
Apparently, Amazon does deliveries on Christmas Day?
I then waited for my delivery today (24/12/21) as discussed by the agent I spoke to and one of the items was delivered (Krupnik), so I phoned back yet again (fourth attempt to resolve the issue of the missing chocolate controller) seeing as I no longer had a tracking number for the parcel that went astray.
I ended up talking to someone who had an attitude saying he could not help me completely contradicting what the previous agent said. I insisted on speaking with his supervisor who said he would issue a refund, so why could the previous agent not do that rather than say he could not help me? Furthermore, the supervisor continued to say the item could not be delivered for Christmas Day, that he had no control over the third-party seller.
I said what about the little boy that no longer will have his Christmas present and he said I could re-order the same item and have it re-delivered for Christmas Day, totally contradicting the first statement he made.
I said that the previous agent said he would re-order it for me and waiver any delivery fees seeing it was Christmas Day, yet the supervisor I spoke with (24/12/21) said because it was a third-party seller he had no control over the delivery meaning they would give a £5.00 credit in one hand and take it away in delivery fees in the other.
I replied Amazon has successfully ruined someone’s Christmas and he replied but we gave you £5.00 credit and a refund as if I really care about the £5.00 and I had at this point the impression I should be kissing his feet and be totally grateful for the half-hearted apology and for the £5.00 they so generously gave me.
If I was to re-order the said item again I would have to pay the delivery fee to get it on Christmas Day, so what compensation have I had for my inconvenience and the emotional distress this has caused me.
**Furthermore when I tried re-ordering it again the price of the item increased and was not guaranteed to arrive on Christmas Day.
This is a total insult to what I have personally gone through in the last two days.
Will I consider developing an eCommerce platform in 2022 and give Amazon a run for their money, the possibility is worth considering and I am more than capable of doing so. Will I lessen the amount of business I do with Amazon remains to be seen?, what they fail to realize is I have more than one account as I run several businesses and spend a lot of money, so I will be eagerly awaiting a response from them?
In total, I phoned four times yesterday and a delivery manager also phoned me. Which was 5 communications and a further 4 phone calls on the (24/12/21)and I spoke to 4 people, 3 of which I had a conversation with, so in total 9 people over the fiasco of two parcels, the first parcel being Krupnik Wisniowy/Cherry Vodka Liqueur, 50 cl that the driver refused to give and gave me the two fingers, and the second parcel Chocolate Gaming Controller Set Novelty Chocolate Gift (Single Controller).
This is absolutely disgusting customer service and no one should have to go through what I have gone through.
This is not how you should treat your customers and every customer brings in a profit, hence you should treat your customers with the highest regard regardless of what business you are in or how much they spend.
I should not be escalating it to the top of the ladder but had Amazon had a complaints email I would much rather have sent a complaint there and worked myself up the ladder if needed.
Staff needs to be trained in customer relations and no member of staff should be disrespectful or rude to a customer. If a member of staff has troubles at home they should not bring them to work and most definitely should not take out their frustration on a customer.
If a customer then raises a complaint you should not add further insult to injury!
ADD ON 25/12/21
To make matters even worse I gave my daughter as part of her stocking filler presents the following item: ORDER NUMBER 202-5033871-6416352 Saviland Acrylic Powder and Liquid Set, Acrylic Nail Kit. The outer packaging was sealed and so was the bottle as can be seen in the image below.

The acrylic liquid bottle (Monomer) had over 3 quarters of the solution missing. There was no spillage in the box it came in, although the box stank of acrylic solution.
So now I am having to send it back causing me further inconvenience having to take time out of my busy life to mess around finding a drop-off point.
If it shows clearly that the bottle is sealed then returning it is pointless as it cannot be resold as the whole box is open.
So Amazon is not very eco-friendly when they create carbon footprints to send back items that will end up in a landfill somewhere.
Granted Amazon may deliver in electric vehicles most of the time but returns are not done through them but through third-party couriers, who may not adopt the same principle. Amazon should review returns digitally so that it does not cause further damage to our planet. When an item is damaged and cannot be resold the recipient should simply have photographic/video evidence. It is not difficult to do this as the majority of the planet owns smartphones nowadays.
Finally seeing as I am on the Amazon Warpath if the recipient of the delivery is clearly is over the age of 18 they should not be made to show ID, yet every time I get delivery for my energy drinks I am asked to show ID. Obviously, delivery drivers are like sheep they do not have an ounce of common sense between them. Amazon should only enforce this rule if the person receiving the said parcel looks under the age of 18 and not a grown-up person that is nearly 60 years of age…Totally Ridiculous in my opinion…
It is getting to be beyond a joke having to deal with Amazon time after time.
I never did get a response back from ‘CEO Andy Jassy’, obviously, he will see this as trivial and think he is too big for his boots to respond or get his minions to make contact.
It obviously shows that Amazon does not care about their consumers and what they have to deal with.
If on the other hand the shoe was on the other foot so to speak and I read something negative or derogatory online about myself or the company I represent I would try to reach out to the person to try and resolve the issue and get them to write a good review after the issue was resolved but to blatantly ignore someone shows a lot about the CEO and the company he/she represents.
It just shows the difference between a CEO and a Leader!
#amazondrivers #amazon #andyjassy #badcustomerrelations #stafftraining #customerrelations #customerservice #insulttoinjury #emotionaldistress #disrespect #amazonceo #amazonandyjassy